The other day my google pixel 2 xl while I was driving blacked out on me with a “Your Device is Corrupt” Error.
I do not mode my device so this was really weird.
The following steps resolved the issue. I will skip some steps which can be found online.
You should send a full debug report to google before proceeding. at step 3: in developer menu “send bug report”.

  1. become developer on your device
  2. enable usb debug
  3. Download:
  4. Download software update if one is available.
  5. adb recovery
  6. adb sideload new_ota_update
  7. reboot device

If adb recovery gives you a “no command” error. power button and vol-down should give you a menu.
Select update via adb. and continue.

If your devices doesn’t have an available update try this sites recommendations.